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Vendor Rules & Regulations



  • 1.1 Lethbridge Handmade Market (LHM) does not guarantee approval of vendors (this is an application only). Please DO NOT include payment with your application. 


  • 1.2 By submitting an application, vendors understand that if they choose to cancel at any time for any reason, they will be charged a $50 Cancellation Fee. Vendors who cancel will be charged this fee even if they have not yet been approved for participation in LHM.


  • 1.3 Vendors will be chosen based on product offerings, diversity, quality and uniqueness of your product/service. 


  • 1.4 Lethbridge Handmade Market reserves the right to refuse space in the show to any vendor.


  • 1.5 Applications are only valid for the upcoming event. You must re-apply during the application window for EACH event that you would like to attend. Acceptance into one event does not guarantee acceptance into future events.


  • 1.6 LHM does not accept or curate applications that include any buy/sell items or direct sale representatives. No exceptions. 


  • 1.7 LHM does not accept any applications that include any MLM (multi level marketing) businesses. No exceptions.





  • 2.1 All parties involved in LHM are required to follow local, provincial, and federal health and safety legislation.


  • 2.2 LHM may implement additional health and safety measures if the need arises.


  • 2.3 Vendors acknowledge that health and safety measures are subject to change at any time and must adhere to all current guidelines and rules.​





  • 3.1 No vendor will have exclusive rights to products. LHM is an open marketplace.


  • 3.2 Other vendors will be allowed to sell a similar product however market management will do its best to ensure there is not an abundance of similar items.


  • 3.3 As per Alberta Health Services requirements, any vendor selling pre-made/home cooked food of any type of food product must provide a copy of your Alberta Health Services permit/license along with your application. This permit/license must also be on site the day of the event. 


  • 3.4 Items must be 85% handmade or, if repurposed, they must be modified by approximately 85%. 85% items sold at your booth must be handmade.


  • 3.5 Artisans retain 100% of their profits.




  • All booth content needs to be rated G as this is a family friendly event.​​


  • 3.6.1 Vendors may choose to obscure this content by covering it or only showing it to customers upon request. Ask a staff member if you have further questions about this policy.​


  • No profanity or nudity may be visible to the general public.​​​


  • No paraphernalia related to recreational drug use may be visible to the general public.


  • The display of paraphernalia related to alcohol use IS permitted.







  • 4.1.1 An active online presence in the form of a Facebook Business Page or link to a website. A link to the business’ online presence must be provided in the vendor application.


  • 4.1.2 Professional signage displaying the name of their business.


  • 4.1.3 Business cards available to the general public.


  • 4.1.4 A cover for their table(s).


  • 4.1.5 A donation to the Door Prize Draw, valued at $10 minimum. Gift certificates or gift cards are not accepted: this must be a physical item.

    4.1.6 Vendors ARE NOT permitted to organize raffles or additional door prizes at their booths.





  • 4.2.1 Vendors are required to operate within their allocated booth. No furniture or merchandise may extend beyond the booth. Exhibit space and surrounding aisles must be free and clear of obstructions. Vendors shall not operate equipment so as to interfere with adjoining space and will conduct business in a quiet and orderly manner.


  • 4.2.2 Vendors are permitted to bring their own tables and chairs, as long as these items fit within their allocated booth. Vendors do not receive a discount for bringing their own equipment.


  • 4.2.3 Vendors may request the rental of additional equipment on their application or at check-in for a fee, subject to availability. 


  • 4.2.4 Booths must be kept tidy for the duration of the market. If you require cleaning supplies due to an accident, LHM staff can help you contact an Exhibition Park staff member for assistance. Minimal cardboard can be disposed of in the Exhibition Park cardboard recycle bin. If you have a lot of cardboard and garbage, please take it with you upon leaving the market.    


  • 4.2.5 No tape will be allowed to be applied to floors or walls at the Exhibition Park.


  • 4.2.6 No nails, screws, thumbtacks, etc. will be allowed on the walls at the Exhibition Park.


  • 4.2.7 Helium balloons are strictly not permitted at the Exhibition Park.


  • 4.2.8 Booth sharing with another artist is not permitted.


  • 4.2.9 All sales must take place within your allotted booth. Vendors are not permitted to leave their booth and solicit business from the aisles or adjacent booths.


  • 4.2.10 Vendors are responsible for their own signage, permits, product labels, collection of sales tax and credit/debit services.



  • 4.2.11 POWER


  • Power (if desired) MUST be purchased prior to the commencement of the market. Pre-market cost: $45.00 for one 120 V outlet


  • Power can be purchased in the appropriate section of your vendor application.


  • It may be possible to purchase power at Vendor Check-in desk during Friday vendor check-in (subject to logistics). The best way to guarantee power at your booth is to request it on your application.


  • The Exhibition & LHM staff monitors all power outlets used at the event, and charges LHM for each outlet used. If power was used at your booth that was not paid for you will be billed and charged for $50.00.


  • Extension cords will NOT be provided by LHM. Vendors must provide their own extension cords, as the power may not be located directly in reach of their booth. â€‹





  • 4.4.1 No threatening or aggressive behaviour to Lethbridge Handmade Market staff/volunteers, security, members of the public, or other vendors will be tolerated.


  • 4.4.2 Disputes among vendors and/or customers must be brought to the Market Manager. Rude and/or crude behaviour towards anyone will not be tolerated in the marketplace.


  • 4.4.3 Vendors and LHM representatives agree that in no event, and at no time prior to, during, or after the market shall either of them disparage, denigrate, slander, libel or otherwise defame the other or the other’s businesses, services, properties or assets, or employees, personnel, agents, or representatives.




  • 4.5 SET-UP & TAKE DOWN


  • 4.5.1 Use of the Vendor Door is STRICTLY PROHIBITED after 8:15am on the day of the market. VENDORS WHO CHOOSE TO EXIT THE BUILDING AFTER 8:15am WILL NOT BE PERMITTED RE-ENTRY UNTIL 9:00am through the main entrance.


  • 4.5.2 Vendors who are not inside the building by 8:15am on the day of the market will be required to enter through the main doors and may be required to line up with the public. 


  • 4.5.3 Vendors are not permitted to set-up outside of the designated times. Please review your vendor package to confirm these times.


  • 4.5.4 All exhibitors are to be loaded in the market by 8:15 am. This time must be strictly adhered to. If you are not COMPLETELY setup before 8:15 am you will not be permitted to set up your product and you will not be refunded. The hours between 7:30 am and 8:15 am are to be used for booth set up only. 


  • 4.5.5 Vendors must stay for the entire duration of the event until 4:00 pm. If a vendor has sold out of their product, a “sold out” sign may be displayed, but the table should not be removed until the end of the market.


  • 4.5.6 All vendors are required to dismantle and clear their belongings immediately following the close of the event. Vendors are required to remain set-up in their market booths until the close of the event.




  • Vendors agree to being photographed at Lethbridge Handmade Market and to allow market photos to be used for promotional purposes.





  • 5.1 If you are a food exhibitor, you MUST include a copy of your food safety certificate with this contract.



  • 5.2 Exhibitors handling food must adhere to the Alberta Health Services Farmers’ Market regulations including:


  • 5.2.1 Certification of Government inspected meats.


  • 5.2.2 Certification of organic products.


  • 5.2.3 All producers must display grade, date packaged and best before date on their product.


  • 5.2.4 Previously frozen products must be labelled with the original date of freezing.


  • 5.2.5 Weighed items must be weighed on a scale inspected and approved by federal authorities.


  • 5.2.6 The inspection sticker “legal for trade” must be displayed on the scale.


  • 5.2.7 Exhibitors must include a list of ingredients and allergens on all food products being sold.


  • 5.2.8 Jars and containers used must meet Alberta Health Standards for Farmers’ Markets.




  • Every exhibitor who handles food will need to be certified prior to being accepted into the market.







  • 6.2 ALL CANCELLATIONS, REGARDLESS OF TIMING OR CAUSE, WILL BE CHARGED A $50 ADMINISTRATION FEE. By submitting an application, vendors agree to pay this fee if they choose to cancel.


  • 6.3 Vendors who are accepted into the Lethbridge Handmade Market understand that if they cancel for any reason, they will not receive a refund for their booth fees and will additionally be required to pay the cancellation fee as mentioned above.


  • 6.4 All booth fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE to a future market.​


  • 6.6 If the event is cancelled by LHM staff, vendors may choose one of the following options:


  • 6.6.1 A transfer to the next market OR


  • 6.6.2 A full refund minus a 10% processing fee.



7. LHM is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. If you leave an item behind at the Exhibition, we expect you to contact the Exhibition during office hours to locate your lost item. Do not contact us about lost items. Everything we find left behind stays at the Exhibition.


8. The Market Manager has full control of operations and conduct in the market.


9. Any infraction of these rules and regulations by exhibitors will result in a warning (or removal from the premises in extreme cases). Vendors who are repeatedly found to be in violation of the rules will not be permitted to return to future LHM events.


10. All parties involved in LHM are required to operate within the scope of municipal, provincial, and federal legislation.


11. Vendors acknowledge that these rules are subject to change due to factors within and outside of the Lethbridge Handmade Market’s control. Vendors will be informed of any changes as soon as it is possible for LHM representatives to do so. These rules exist to ensure the well-being of all parties involved in LHM. To that end, vendors agree to adhere to these rules in the event that changes are made to them.



Subletting and sharing of exhibit space or transfer of application to persons or companies not indicated as a vendor is not permitted. An application must be completed for each business, as sharing a booth with another business is not permitted.






Next event: April 12, 2025


9 am - 4 pm



Exhibition Park
3401 Parkside Drive South
Lethbridge, AB, T1J 4R3


Free parking
Kids 14/ under free

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